Model Minority Case Study

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A stereotype is a generalization or a pre-judgement awarded to a group of people in order to understand their behavioural pattern. According to Lippman (1922) it can also be considered as the “picture in our heads” to make sense of the world around us.The outsiders of a certain group usually look at the stereotype as a uniform to categorize their limited knowledge. This form of social labelling can render different consequences that can potentially affect the treatment and notion of a certain race.

The Hollywood portrayal of Asian stereotype are usually the same, quiet, modest, self-conscious, passive, non- defiant, smart, model citizens that speaks poor English. These roles in mainstream media are most likely the nerd, mathematical …show more content…

Rejection is pinpointed to result into psychological and emotional problems such as depression, social withdrawal and self-punishment. This can hinder employment and growth opportunities in the workplace in real life situations. The title “model minority” was coined in 1996 as a praise the civil works of Asian American citizens because of the educational attainment and strong professional work ethics through the Asian upbringing or the “tiger mother” phenomena. The outcome of this popular belief has caused different situations such as slot quotas for Asian American college to maintain their “status qou” in America’s corporate …show more content…

Up until this day, Asian Americans do not go without being stereotyped. Whether or not people mean to, it takes place in their everyday lives. Peers, professors, teachers, counselors tend to assume that Asian Americans must be great at math and science. The question “Are you going to go to med school?" is asked one too many times. Professors and classmates assume that they do nothing but study during their free time and that they don’t need any additional help because they are already smart enough on their own. When they are interested in other majors that don’t involve mathematical computations or scientific experimentations, their families wonder why they would choose a major like Art or Journalism instead of medicine or engineering like their cousins or brothers and sisters. They receive envy or resentment from their college peers because it is set in their mind that Asian Americans probably get A's all the time or that that they surely were easily admitted into prestigious universities. Due to all of these unfair treatments, they tend to feel inadequate about not living up to the image of academic excellence that others seem to expect of

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