Misuse Of Power, Social Class, And The Power Of Language In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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In Animal Farm, Orwell explores misuse of power, social class, and the power of language. In the book, there was a lot of misuse of power. The pigs misuse the power by breaking the “ten commandments” and doing whatever they wanted to; they did not have to follow the rules, but everyone else did. Also, the pigs were very controlling and made everyone follow their rules. Another major point discussed in the book was the social class. All the animals on the farm, except for the pigs, were working hard and not getting anything back in return. On the farm, all animals were in the working class except the pigs. The last main point is the language. The pigs’ language was used as a part of their power. Since the pigs have the ability …show more content…

In Animal Farm, Orwell shows how all societies will have social classes. Most of the animals on the farm are in the working class. They are not included in Napoleon’s group. They are hard workers, they don’t complain, and they realize that something is not right in the way the farm is being managed (Smith). Although they know something is wrong, the animals on the farm do not rise up. The lower class animals realized it was too late to make any changes on the farm. Other animals, like the sheep, could have challenged the authority of the pigs, but they did not (Smith). The animals are not able to think for themselves anymore and allow the pigs to take control and break the rules. The pigs start sleeping at the farm house, which breaks one of the amendments (Orwell 80).The animals were verbally taken advantage of (Sagetrieb). The animals did not learn how to read, which meant that they had no power of their own (Smith). There was a murder on the farm of animal against animal. Animals on Manor Farm have to accept things without questioning; like obeying orders and following Napoleon, who is the leader (“Animal”). As things became worse on the farm, the animals started feeling afraid. The working class became the slave class …show more content…

The pigs misused the power because they wanted to be in control and rule over others. All the other animals on the farm were mistreated because the pigs were in control of everything. Social class was very unfair. All the animals, except for the pigs, had to follow the commandments and work a lot. Language was also very important. Since all the pigs could read and the rest of the farm could not, the pigs verbally abused everyone on the farm. The animals symbolize how humans act when they are in positions of power and how people are

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