Missing 163 Million Women Summary

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What are we to do? I am talking to the men out there that are or will be looking for a wife in China, India or European in this generation and I am talking to men around the world that are not yet born and will be coming in the next generation. According to Mara Hvistendahl the author of “Missing: 163 Million Women” the children of the future, especially many males, that will be looking for brides will find that they will be unable to find one. Kay Dickersin the author of “Female editorship is an important indicator of gender imbalance adds on by stating that men impacted by gender imbalance can and will cause changes to society and these changes will likely be something bad. Kwame Anthony Appiah the author of “Making conversation” proposes …show more content…

Overall the gender imbalance that has developed as a result of parents aborting children they don’t want and choosing the children they want is the cause of this gender imbalance. People are people and they will act based on what they believe is correct even if many people would find the action that they committed irrational. According to Appiah in order to understand people better we must live in their culture and get used to their environment, most importantly we must communicate our ideas and feelings. In truth I somewhat agree with what Appiah is stating, the truth is that in order for there to be change or in order for a solution to be brought about the problem must first be identified. Dickersin provides great insight into what the future may be like as a result of continued gender imbalance. The truth is as of now despite a surplus of men there is not enough as compared to the world as a whole to be able to see the real effects of gender imbalance. Right now there are many cultures and environments out there that favor having a male child and because of this parents that have a restriction on the amount of children they are allowed to have will likely opt to choose a male child over a female

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