Minority History

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Over the course of history itself, there have been many arguments on how to effectively teach history. Historians argue that some parts of history are forgotten and some are given too much attention because of these cultures, races and women histories become lost in the debate about what is historical. There are those, specifically Americans in this case who have little or no basic historical knowledge about the excluded groups. When it comes to debating the national standards of history, historian Wilentz argued that we have moved away from traditional methods of teaching of history and are embracing it as a social and economic development as well as politics. He along with other historians such as Chakrabarty and Lyotard also criticize the Eurocentric nature of history.
Chakrabarty argues that although “majority” history has brought “minority” histories to mainstream disciplines, the subaltern past is still widely ignored. He also argues that minority history or the histories from below are basic elements of liberal democratic struggles for inclusion and representation (Chakrabarty 97). The texts acquired for the discipline of history is different from others because its primary concerned is the craft of narratives. This requires historians to be creative and imaginative in their strategies of writing and researching. This is hard for historians because of their lack of knowledge about minority history. Oppressed groups such as the working class and women were long excluded from the discourse of history and incorporating can immensely change the discipline of history. When teaching history in past times, these were the groups that were left out because of the little or no useful archival existed.
Chakrabarty argued that numer...

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...groups have been long overshadowed in history because of the nationalist mentality towards Europe by scholars and Europeans themselves. According to Sahlins, there are other cultures with rich histories and cultures, as presented in his work The Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities in which he glorifies the Hawaiian culture. He was able to present an eccentric and diverse culture from a different view point instead of Europeans. The Eurocentric grand narrative received some criticism from scholars, whom believe that there are other ways of writing history. Lyotard and Nietzsche were two of those scholars. Lyotard criticized postmodernism, while Nietzsche critique was of historiography. Majority history has historically overshadowed minority, but more recently has open the door for minority to receive recognition in the researching and writing of history.

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