Minor Sports Injury Case Study

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What might be some good recommendations for you to give Jeremy about his sports injury?
- A lot of sport injury can happen anywhere in the body. Playing sports is great exercise for keeping your body healthy, but injuries can still happen. A few reason why are not warning up properly, poor technique or pushing yourself to hard. Making sure your stretching, using good technique and not going over board can limit a lot if sport injury. Jeremy usually after a minor sport injury you don't usually need to see a doctor and can look after yourself at home, but I recommend you to visit one any way because it might be some else serious.

What could you tell him in general about minor sports injuries?
- Jeremy, there are signs that shows that you might have a minor sport injury, which include pain, tenderness, swelling, bruising, and restricted movement or stiffness in the affected area immediately. Sometimes, you may only notice these symptoms several hours playing sports. A lot minor sport injuries heals on their own, but if the pain has gotten overwhelmed I would go see a doctor

How could he determine that it is a sprain or a strain?
J-eremy can determine if his ankle is sprain or strain by the movement of the ankle . Sprains and strain have similar effects but also differ you have to pay close attention to the injury. …show more content…

Jeremy can apply ice in a plastic bag may be applied directly to the skin for a period of 20 minutes at a time on and off throughout the day as needed to control pain and swelling. Compression to hold the ice bag in place over the site of injury, and after icing to help keep the swelling to a minimum and provide gentle support to the ankle. Elevating an injury 12 to 18 inches above the heart significantly reduces the blood pressure to the injured tissues and decreases the amount of swelling after injury. Each treatment helps control swelling since Jeremy say his ankle is still swollen and is in

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