Minny Stockett Character Analysis

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In The Help by Kathryn Stockett, my favorite character was Minny Jackson for many reasons. Minny is my favorite character because she always stands up for the people she loves and what she believes in, but is never afraid of the consequences. She also speaks her mind even if she knows others will not agree. Although Minny is not very compassionate to white people and is not always understanding, she fiercely protects and cares for her friends and family. As Skeeter says about Minny’s chapter in her book, “It’s about getting fired nineteen times in the same small town. About what it’s like trying to keep the anger inside, but never succeeding,” (Stockett 433). This proves how Minny has been treated unfairly by white people and she can’t learn …show more content…

Hilly is motivated by her position as a model for other women her age, she tells everyone the way she thinks society should work and they listen because they look up to Hilly. Hilly is also motivated by getting to punish those who wrong her, or those who do not go with her rules of society. She is the president of the Junior League, which all the women in Jackson wanted to join, so because of all this, Hilly was very important to the other characters. Hilly made people fear disagreeing her, like a politician. For example when Hilly was angry with Skeeter, and Skeeter was in the colored part of town, she says, “Even though Hilly would never come to this part of town, she is a threat to us all now and I feel like her eyes are everywhere. I know the glee she would feel catching me doing this. I don’t underestimate how far she would go to make sure I suffered the rest of my life,”(Stockett 409). This quote clearly proves how Hilly affects the characters, because Skeeter is afraid of what Hilly will do to her if she caught Skeeter doing something Hilly does not agree with. This also shows that doing what Hilly thinks is right is more important to her than keeping Skeeter as a friend. Hilly is unfair and cruel to Minny and other colored people, she might not even realize what she is doing is wrong, but she is very loving and kind towards her children. As Aibileen describes, “One thing I got to say about Hilly, she love her …show more content…

She is different because she is from Sugar Ditch, wears eccentric fashion, does not have help before Minny and she is unsuccessful in bearing children, yet is married. Also since she married Johnny, who Hilly used to date, Hilly turns everyone in Jackson away from Celia. Celia is so unique that Minny “can tell right off, she 's from way out in the country. I look down and see the fool doesn 't have any shoes on, like some kind of white trash. Nice white ladies don 't go around barefoot,”(Stockett 37). This proves that just because she is not from Jackson and was not raised with their ideals, she does not fit in and they treat celia differently because of it. Also her outfits and fashion sense sets her apart from Jackson society. As Minny states, “She is rouged, painted, and plastered with makeup. The Butterbatch hairdo is poufed up around her head like an Easter bonnet. One leg peeks out in a high, thigh-baring slit and I turn away, too embarrassed to look. Everything about her oozes sex, sex and more sex.”(Stockett 374). This shows that Celia does not understand the standards of Jackson women, so she dresses differently and flamboyantly. In conclusion Celia reveals that in Jackson society, if someone do not conform to the traditional Jackson life, then they will be judged and frowned

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