Minerva and how she changed

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Minerva changed to become something she wasn't ; when all along she never was Minerva. She was everyone but herself;Minerva was great at influencing her sister for the better. But when her life took a turn for the worst, she became more violent and leaned towards the Revolution. Minerva says " A soul is a deep longing in you that you can never fill up but you try." Minerva becomes an individual that everyone decides on who she is and how she lives.

Minerva became afraid of the things she chose to do because of how Trujillo wanted young girls to be in his life as his mistresses. He took Lina Lovaton when she was young and got her pregnant after she got pregnant he left her. So when it was time for Minerva and her friends performance, Minerva said " That settled it. I agreed to go on the condition we dress as boys (page #21) she wanted to make her self less attractive as much as possible. Minerva tried constantly to fulfill what God wanted but when she joined the revolution she gave up. She stopped trying to fulfill her soul.

What a shock, when Minerva was handed the law degree but ...

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