Mind, Society, And Neurosexism Create Difference By Cordelia Fine

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The book I choose to read was Delusions of Gender: How Our Mind, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference by Cordelia Fine. There are three parts to the book: “Half-changed world”, “Half-changed minds”, Neurosexisam, and Recycling Gender. The reason I choose this book was because it dealt with gender and how in society and our mind we create the differences that are used against us. I thought that by reading it I would understand more from a psychologist’s point of view how our thought process creates what we perceive as reality, what has been placed upon gender specific things by society, and how it has affected society.
In the first half of the book, “Half-changed world”, “Half-changed minds”, the author argues about how social and environmental factors influence the mind on the gender differences. She also includes the history and impact of the gender stereotypes we see and how science has been used to justify the use of sexism. In the first chapter in the “Half-changed world” section of the book she uses an example of if a researcher tapped you on the shoulder and asked you to write down what males and females were like if you would write down things such as compassionate for females and aggressive for males or if you would look at the researcher and tell them that every person is unique.(Fine,3) Based on the information in the book most people would pick up the pencil and write down descriptions of each gender based on the way the world perceives gender. She also talks about marriage and how “the husband is the breadwinner and works outside the home to provide financial resources for the family. In return, his wife is responsible for both the emotional and household labor created by the family…” (Fine,78)
In the second...

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...ate much with other girls. I spent my time playing kick ball and cops and robbers with the boys or doing things that would be associated with being a boy. I like the idea that at a young age children have the capacity know the differences between the sexes and to know their own gender but I feel like it is being forced upon them as a baby so it’s possible that they are not really able to understand it. Another thing I learned was about how a neurologist, Charles Dana, catalogued several differences in the brains and nervous systems of men and women, including the upper half of the spinal cord. He claimed that these differences caused women to lack the intellect for politics and governance. Later, it was all proven to be false. I found that to be the most interesting part of the book, mainly because arguments are greatly based on scientific studies done by research.

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