Mill On Liberty

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In his book titled On Liberty, Mill provides two arguments about freedom of action. He begins by stating that freedom of action provides the opportunity for individuals to act different than what is considered normal. These differences may lead to changes in society as a whole as well as personal progression. Mill believes in the freedom of action because this freedom benefits society as a whole and allows for individuality. He also believes that without freedom of action, there would be no progress in society or advancements because people would act in a uniform manner. Therefore, in what follows, I will explicitly provide the reasons why Mill thinks that freedom of action is important. Mill attempts to provide evidence that individuals should have the freedom to live however they may choose without causing harm to others. In his first argument, Mill particularly argues for the freedom of action because of the societal benefits. He expresses this idea by stating, “But to be restrained in things not affecting their good, by their mere displeasure, …show more content…

Mill believes that it is important to strive to live a happy and fulfilled life which would mean taking pleasure in enjoyable activities while striving for success. Mill states,“The initiation of all wise or noble things, comes and must come from individuals ; generally at first from some one individual. The honor and glory of the average man is that he is capable of following that initiative; that he can respond internally to wise and noble things, and be led to them with with eyes open” (p.55). Therefore, individuals attempt to find happiness and fulfillment throughout their lifespan. However, since humans have different thoughts, opinions, and tastes, people are not indistinguishably

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