Military Health Care Policy: The Success of Military Health Care

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The Department of Defense has the responsibility to manage one of the United State’s largest health care systems, the Military Health System. The Military Health System operates under the mission to enhance the health of the service men and women, while maintaining a high quality, effective benefit to those who qualify for care (Brown et al, 2009). Military Health Systems cover the health care needs of over nine million service men and women and their dependents, through a vast array of military and civilian facilities. The Military Health Services offers three health care benefits to those who are entitles to benefits based on their current military standing: TRICARE (Brown et al, 2009). TRICARE health plans are the replacement for CHAMPUS (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services); which was the main provider of health care services for military dependents. TRICARE’s purpose was to also facilitate members with access to better health care. This program offers primary, secondary, and tertiary care to its beneficiaries. TRICARE is the largest single provider of any form of managed health care in the United States; being the largest provider does not come without changes and upheavals since CHAMPUS was converted into TRICARE (Brown et al, 2009).

In 1993, the CHAMPUS program had a demonstration project that suggested that a reorganization of military health care was necessary. These projects established that the health care techniques used by civilian managed care, could benefit the military. By adapting to the way civilian managed care organizations run, the military could improve their quality of care, increase patient satisfaction, and place a cap on future costs (Kongstvedt, 2007). These projects gave wa...

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.... If the past can predict the future, TRICARE and the Military Health Service will continue to be a relevant source of health care for years to come.

Works Cited

Achieving breakthrough preformance. (2010, January 15). Retrieved from

Brown, D, Kurlantzick, V, McCall, N, Williams, T, & Gantt, J. (2009). Use of six clinical preventive services in tricare prime compared to insured, managed care, and all u.s. populations and healthy people 2010 . Preventive Medicine, 48(4), 389-391.

Kongstvedt, P. R. (2007). Essentials of managed health care. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett

Meltz, J. (2009, April 30). Tricare stakeholders report 2006. Retrieved from

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