Middle Ages In Europe Essay

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The changes that took place politically, economically, and socially during the Middle Ages slowly began to change Europe. The Middle Ages is a time period of European history that covers from the 400’s up until the 1400’s. Later on, Europeans moved toward a period known as the Renaissance. The Renaissance began in Italy during the 1300’s, but did not reach other European countries until the late 14500’s. The Renaissance ideals were both similar to and different to the Middle Ages.

Politically, the Middle Ages were very different from other eras. The lower classes respected authority, which typically came from nobleman such as kings, vassals, warriors, and major landlords. During the 800’s, Europe was divided into large plots of land known as manors. On these manors were wealthy landowners, or landlords, and peasants who worked the land in exchange for protection. The landlords had great political sway, for they were amongst the wealthiest men in Western Europe. During the beginning of the Middle Ages, Charlemagne’s empire helped Europe to reach some of its greatest achievements. After Charlemagne’s death, Europe was separated into many kingdoms. Under feudalism, noblemen had great political say as they collected taxes and often served as a judge during legal affairs. Later on during the 900’s and 1000’s, feudal states formed across Europe. Powerful rulers, such as William the Conqueror, had jurisdiction over his own land. Unlike in England, a feudalistic government was unsuccessful in Germany and Italy. When discussing politics during the Renaissance era, it is important to remember that like the Middle Ages, politics were often different depending on the region. Western European countries like Spain, England, and France for ex...

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...just how much thinking had changed from the Middle Ages. No longer could the Church dictate every thing, for rational thinking was coming to the forefront. Scientists began to stray from traditional thinking, and tried to separate science from religion. Francis Bacon coined the scientific method, a technique to help achieve accurate scientific conclusions. Copernicus disproved the church’s idea that the earth was the center of the universe, and instead proposed the heliocentric model. People were more comfortable challenging authority, and thus many of the church’s ideas were disproved.

In conclusion, the changes that took place politically, economically, and socially during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance changed Europe completely. The ideals were both similar and different, but it is unquestionable that both of these eras affected the modern world today.

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