Microeconomic Theory Of Demand And Health Service

1966 Words4 Pages

PRELIMINARY 1.1. Background Seen from an economic perspective, health is a decisive factor high and low quality of human resources. Microeconomic theory of demand (demand) health services states that the price is inversely proportional to the amount of demand for health services. This theory says that if the health service is a normal good, the higher the family income, the greater the demand for the services of health. Conversely, if the type of medical services that are inferiorgood, increasing family income will decrease the demand for the type of health care service (Follandet al., 2001). (LSM Papua Fokker survey results about the health situation in Papua, 2005). HIV and AIDS cases continues to rise, the number of people living with …show more content…

Demand Debate Health Care Services Economics is a science that examines how the individual side of people made a choice. Viewed with or without the use of means of exchange (money) in order to utilize scarce resources in producing a range of goods and services, and distribute it among them for consumption purposes, at present or in the future, among various individuals and community groups ( Samuelson, 1979). From the description of proficiency level, there is one thing that the main problem faced by humans in all fields of harnessing everything or scarcity. That's the main problem, was born two underlying reasons for the presence of economics as the study of human behavior. First, the limited resources for life, society, organizations and individuals. Second, the fact that the needs (needs) and desire (Wants) people and communities can not be fulfilled perfectly. From both these reasons, the selection process should be conducted (Andhika, 2010). 2.3. Debate Theory of Basic Human Needs According to Maslow, there are five levels of needs that were lined up in order of priority from lowest to highest order. These levels into the three levels of basic categories, namely (1) the survival and security, (2) human interaction, love and afilasi, (3) self-actualization (competence, self-expression and understanding) (Andhika:

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