Mendel Vs Meiosis

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Meiosis is a type of sexual reproduction that equally divides chromosomes between to new cells. The end results of the process are four haploid daughter cells produced from a diploid parent cell. Diploid is defined as a complete set of chromosomes in a cell. Meiosis requires two cycles of division, resulting in Meiosis I and Meiosis II. There are differences in both cycles, for example in Meiosis I results in two haploid (n) daughter cells. Haploid meaning each cell consists half the number of chromosomes from the original cell. Meiosis II, results in four haploid daughter cells. Both rounds consist of stages prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In Meiosis I, the first stage is Prophase I in which DNA condenses to form visible chromosomes …show more content…

His first law is the Law of Segregation, which states that when an organism produces gametes, copies of genes are separated. Each gamete receives only one copy, that being one allele or the other. During Prophase I, chromosomes are separated and the alleles with the characteristics are divided into two gametes. Mendel’s second law is the Law of Independent Assortment, which states that alleles of different genes separate from one another during gamete formation. Mendel stated that different traits are inherited unaided, therefore there are no relations. Independent assortments occurs in Metaphase I, which aids in the increase of genetic diversity by making genetic …show more content…

Sickle cell disease describes not only one, but a set of inherited red blood disorders (NIH, 2015). The disorders affect hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to the cells throughout the human body. The disorder is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern (UUHS, 2015). A child does not inherit the disease unless both parents give off a defective copy of the gene (UUHS, 2015). A person who inherits one good gene and one defective gene are simply carriers. The major phenotypic characteristics of an individual distinct to the disorder are the sickle shaped blood cells. Typically blood cells are round and flexible in order for them to travel easily through blood vessels. When people contain the disorder, their red blood cells are distorted by hemoglobin into a sickle, crescent shape (GHR,

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