Medical Euthanasia Case Study

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Lavi (2005) explained how the mastering of medical techniques has caused the world of Law and Medicine to be intertwined:
Law became involved in regulating the practice of medical euthanasia, determining the conditions under which it could take place. Law, in other words, became instrumental to the practice of medical euthanasia and became a technique in the service of a medical technique. (p. 170)
This merging of the two professions unfortunately has created a constriction on freedom of choice human right. In this certain situation, the father was forced into a situation that would be regarded as wrong no matter what choice he made and the illegal status of euthanasia forced him to commit an illegal act of murder. Lavi (2005) explained that the parents did not kill their child due to criminal intentions, instead they were unfortunately forced commit an act that they would never have thought of doing, due to the legal system. Legalization of euthanasia would provide a solution to the prevention of transforming parents into criminals, in the eyes of the legal system.
Reflecting on Canada's view on euthanasia, a study was performed to ask the general population on how they felt about euthanasia and their opinion of euthanasia being illegal in Canada. Findings by Wilson et al., (2013) showed a majority of people believed that with properly followed guidelines, euthanasia should be legalized in Canada. This study found that although euthanasia is considered illegal in Canada, there were very few criminal convictions of people when following through with euthanasia. The general population felt that the process of euthanasia was monitored very well and that with appropriate steps it was not a big issue as it is perceived to be. Als...

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...ore widely known, with more individuals becoming educated on the process of euthanasia. This has provided many people with an open mind to the dying process, as well as increased research into palliative care and end of life practices. Gradually, conservative values and beliefs are starting to be less common as liberal-thinking younger generations establish a new world. Euthanasia should be a viable option for those in which the quality of life has diminished to the point where someone is perpetually unhappy, if the option of recovery is not available. No one should have to spend their last days here on Earth forced to die in pain, while having to put their family and loved ones through an already heartbreaking and stressful time. Euthanasia being globally recognized as legal, would provide the comfort and absence of suffering for both the patient and their families.

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