Reflection Paper On Mental Media

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Media is everywhere. I have come to realize that it encompasses everyday life and no one gives a second thought to the influence it may have on the public. I feel as though a large percentage of people – including myself before this class – do not realize the impact the media can have on one’s perspective. It is helpful to be able to critically analyze the way stories are presented by the media and this class has given me the necessary tools to do so. I was intrigued by the readings as they gave me information I was lacking into the reasoning behind the way the media presents issues as it does. Because of this, I feel that if people were aware of the stigma in the media their views may be less swayed by it. Before this class, songs were just songs and news was only news. Now I see how lyrics in a song and word choice in a news …show more content…

While the public’s opinion is being molded to fit what the media portrays, the mentally ill are also affected in that the stigma resulting from these portrayals decreases the number of people willing to seek help. Therefore, if the media represented the mentally ill in a balanced manner it would likely reduce the amount of stigma placed upon that particular set of individuals. There has always been an understanding that the rich and famous were an extremely large influence on people. However, I was surprised to learn that media in general could have the same effect on people who suffer from mental illness. This is a heartbreaking thought because the mental health community is suffering at the hands of the media. People label those with mental illness as weak because all most people know about the mentally ill is what is learned from the media. There was a Geico commercial about a drill sergeant as a therapist played in class that was meant to be amusing, and for most, I assume it was. Nevertheless, those who have knowledge about the mentally ill understand how harmful this can be. It presents

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