Media and Youth Violence

563 Words2 Pages

What effects do Video Games, Music, and Television have on Youth Violence?

Many people today wonder why so many children are committing crimes. Children today are so far more advance then children of the pass. Many children spend so much time in playing video games and watching television. Parents today are in the dark about what their children are doing, which lead into children going an extra step in finding out things the hard way. Though some experts claim that family structures are the cause for youth violence, many notice that video games, music, and television are increasing violence in youth today.

There are some benefits to video games for children but, in most cases these games are hard to find. Although there are a few games that are educational and help kids with their learning experiences, most of the top rated games contained violence. Take for example the whole series of Grand Theft Auto. You probably can get an idea of what goes on in the game just by the title of the game. What kind of influence does a game like Grand Theft Auto have on the youth?

A game ...

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