Media and Mass Communication

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This is an essay which is created under the study of media and mass communication, and is basically a comparative textual analysis that will be based on two different text types (attached at the end). The first is an audiovisual advertisement that was aired on television in 2007 from the company Playskool selling Rose Petal Cottage, and the second one is a photography (also with advertisement purpose) from Dolce and Gabbana that was seen on fashion magazines during spring and summer issues of 2007. The main purpose of the commentary is to stand out the use of heavy stereotypes and gender roles in advertisements as a tool to manipulate their audience and sell their products. Also explore how enterprises apply specific formal and stylistic devices to each text type in order to advertise the things in the most efficient way. Advertisement is aimed to create a differentiation between similar products, kind of a related association on consumers mind with a positive impact of the product that later on will have a tangible effect on consumer choice of purchase. Most of the time directed to large masses, advertisement explore the social context in which their target audience lives on, and from there use specific characteristics and elements to address their potential consumers (the elements can be either explicit or implicit). In this case, advertisement used key points from an always present topic on the societies around the world, Gender Roles and Stereotypes. Exploring the first text type which is targeted to little girls, is easy to quickly notice the use of women ‘‘roles’’ and stereotypes throughout the video, because in this case the producers do it in a very explicit way. They show a little girl who is very happy with all the thi... ... middle of paper ... ... the effect of an emotional association between nature and society, a general interpretation of these are fluency and purity, which looking at the content of the image (showing an almost sense of a gang rape) creates a kind of satire, which makes the image even more interesting to the audience. In conclusion, by exploring these forms of communication in media, taking a close look in this two text types with advertisement purpose, it is possible and interesting to see how completely different enterprises with completely different audiences but under a similar context with similar purpose (persuade-sell) affect the use of language and the image in terms of the different techniques and devices they can use in the creation of their advertisements. Works Cited

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