The Positive Impact Of Social Media And Politics

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A sentence that Jim Morrison said “Whoever controls the media controls the mind” is inspiring. Media plays an important role in people’s life, also plays an important role in politics. Just like the sentence that Morrison said, media can change citizens’ minds to influence their political action. In democratic countries, the media is called the “fourth estate.” It is a powerful tool for citizens to know what their government is doing. Moreover, media can enforce the changing of laws such as gay marriage by reporting citizen’s opinions and giving pressures to government. For voters who are not familiar with candidates, media can help them know more about candidates by reporting the candidates. Although medias have positive effect of politics, …show more content…

Social media such as twitter and Facebook is an important tool for people get information and communicate with others in modern society. A report from Pew Research Center shows that 64 percent of people get news from social media(Beres). Almost everyone has their own social media account and so does politician. Social media citizens an assess to know and communicate with politicians. Donald Trump, who is the candidate of president in the United States, is very good at using social media. He used to write a tweet that described Clinton aide Huma Abedin as “a major security risk” and “the wife of perv slazebag Anthony Wiener.” Once he wrote, his million followers on Twitter can see it(Carr). Trump attract audiences by using a lot of exaggerated words and emotions, while some candidates that are not good at using those media skills might not as popular as Trump. In this situation, many politicians might only improve their skill to attract citizens’ attention by using social media. They might either belittle their competitors or show their personal life to satisfy their follower. What they are more focus on is not the politics itself but the skill that can catch attentions. However, as a politician, trying to solve problems citizens worrying is primary thing that should do. On the other hand, everyone can post their own opinions in social media and some opinions might …show more content…

Firstly, it is very necessary to enhance the political education for citizens. Citizens who believe in everything media report lack of critical thinking. They do not understand politics processes because they don’t have systematical political education. Thus, improving their political knowledge is very important. School can add some course that relate to politics and require students to have basic knowledges about politics. Government can make some small handbooks about basic knowledge of politics and send it to citizens. The media can set some political education program to teaching citizens. Citizens might believe in everything that media said if they have political sense. Secondly, for those who have a media job, they need to be reeducated. That is, teaching them the morals of media job. For example, teaching them only report the facts. It can help them understand their responsibility of reporting. Those responsibility helps them refusing the money they shouldn’t get, and checking the facts before reporting. Third, making laws that regular both companies and media. For example, do not allowed companies give media money to advertise the politician. Last but not least, government needs to establish a fact checking system for those media. The fact checking system can check if the news is fact or not, as well as check if there is some illegal trade between media and companies. By doing those

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