Meaning In The Myth Of Sisyphus

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Have you ever just sat down for a moment and wondered why is it that we are here? Philosopher and existentialist Jean Paul Sartre, writes that, “Everything has been figured out, except how to live”. Existentialism is the theory that emphasizes the existence of a person and their freedom to choose what they do and how they live. Another existentialist by the name of Albert Camus, wrote an essay called “The Myth of Sisyphus”, which introduced the world to the absurd (man's search for objective meaning in a meaningless universe). This famous piece of writing highlights an important character known as Sisyphus. Camus calls him an absurd hero--an individual who seeks meaning in life, finds there is no essential meaning, and after experiencing this often painful moment, finds the freedom to create meaning--because he is punished by the gods to roll a boulder up a hill, watch it roll down, and repeat the process for eternity, yet somehow finds a way to still somehow find some meaning behind it. In the film, Little Miss Sunshine, Dwayne is an …show more content…

According to Camus, dying voluntarily implies that you have recognized the absence of any profound reason for living and the uselessness in suffering. This concept is perfectly demonstrated because we can tell that Edwin did it on purpose. There is a moment in the film where Edwin tells his son a very important thing. He says, “Listen; whatever happens -- at least you tried to do something on your own, which is more than most people ever do, and I include myself in that category. It takes guts, and I'm proud of you for taking the chance, okay?” (script page 47). In this scene in the movie, Edwin is saying his last goodbye to his son, telling the things that he feels he needed to say before his decides to commit suicide. It’s definitely a change of attitude from Edwin because throughout the entire film, he is pretty much an

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