Mcfadden's Article: The Destruction Of The English Language

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While the goal of the writer is bring attention and to voice her anger and frustration to the general public about the destruction of the English language by removing the masculine related pronouns and suffixes. While replacing them with generic form of person 's. the population of west California are doing nothing to stop it. Instead the writers go along with the idea, to the point of shoving it in how non sexist they are in their readers face.
The first impression that I had was the article was about gender bias. Which was generally right. But I went along with the generalization that it had to do more with losing our identity through the use of the generic pronouns such as, persons he/she or her/his. While making ourselves independent …show more content…

Those key points are as follows. Pronouns and suffixes such as "person" and he/she are neutering the English language. They are distracting to the readers. The writers are more concerned with showing how non- sexist they are, then seeing the problem of using generic forms instead of masculine pronouns and the problem it 's causing. It leaves us with conversations fit for extremely literal people. It also makes communications difficult and complicates simple conversations. It 's more time consuming and frustrating for a speaker reading out loud in front of a group. Finally my last key point is that the author feels frustrated and angry about the issue everyone just seems to accept and no one speaks up or does anything to solve the …show more content…

I want to further her claim by making and supporting my own, While supporting each others claim. My goal is to present evidence as to why the extreme feminist are destroying their cause, and why is no one stopping them. By coming up with strong evidence I hope to open the eyes and minds of my readers. Some evidence that supports my argument as to why author 's and reader 's alike are letting some feminist organizations (Not all but some)get away with extreme behavior. In a series of questions that build to make up the evidence of, Why is society in the west coast complying instead of speaking up? What examples are their to support my claim? How it 's moving society as a whole backwards, instead of forward? The questions will help me by building up strong evidence for my claim and give a strong argument for my essay. Why are extreme feminist are destroying their cause. And no one 's stopping

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