Maya Angelou

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The Heart of a Woman by Maya Angelou is a autobiography describing the woman's influential journey from young adulthood in San Francisco to her mid-thirties, mother to a university-aged son, living in Ghana. In the chapter it talk about blacks and whites being dumb founded. During the 1950s and 1960s was a different time for Angelou, confused about which side was up. Angelou was brought up in a time that was remarkable by racial tension oppression, and devastating circumstances for blacks throughout the country. At the core of Angelou's life all through the entire book is her son, Guy. civil rights, her commitment to the arts, and the raising up of blacks but black women in specific. From Angelou being in evidence protests and lectures by up and coming advocate leaders to throwing herself completely into social action Angelou never loses sight of what matters most. Those actions governed to a spell as coordinator of the southern Christian Leadership Conference and working with Martin Luther King, Jr., to physics with Malcolm X and other civil right mentors. Angelou individual activities in he arts community are abundant. Angelou own up that she was a mediocre singer and skilled dancer and actress. those roles thrown her forward and authorized Angelou to tour the world. The …show more content…

Angelou saw no other way but to get a job. Angelou did not want to experience the failure in New York. Angelou called DuBois, who guided to set up a conference with the architect of a newly journalistic. Angelou was contracted the moment. The only problem was Vus, who would definitely be irritated. Angelou was ready. Vus was annoyed and also giggled her for being so silly as to reflect she might get a occupation. The relationship was stressed. The job proven to be demanding at first, mainly because Angelou was a female. Soon, things started to level

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