Three Key Factors And Differences Between Maturation And Learning

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Maturation plus experience equals readiness. Maturity and experience are the framework for readiness to learn. After you have read this essay to you have a greater understanding of the learning process. You will witness the changes in behavior patterns as a child progresses in life. Being able to recognize the level of “readiness to learn” for each child is a collaboration of many different factors. The three key factors identified are: age, maturity level and physical readiness of each child. A child’s physical readiness impacts how a child learns. The simple definition of maturation states "it is the process of developing in the body or mind, the emergence of personal and behavioral characteristics through the growth process." …show more content…

As a teacher walks into the classroom, he or she is equipped with various strategies and plans. The teacher should adapt his/her classroom setting to meet the needs of the students. In many of the articles I read researching for this essay, consistently stated that everyone matures with age, barring no disorders. Children and adults with disorders mature in the same physical way, but their learning ability is very different and consequently complex. Finding and gathering the information to be conveyed to the students requires the teacher to be innovative. Some students are visual learners while others are hands-on or interactive activities. Children are like sponges, they soak up every word; just some soak it up quicker. Tenured teachers have learned through observation not to mention experience. Every child learns at a different pace which can be a struggle for the educator. Nonetheless the educator must adapt to meet the needs of each student. The educator must challenge those who learn quicker, to stay focused, not lose interest; while taking the time needed for those who learn at a slower pace. …show more content…

Gesell takes the intrinsic factor combines it with external factor when formulating his theory. Gasell stated in his methodology that genetics, temperament, personality, learning styles as well as physical and mental growth are crucial components in a child’s learning development. “Simultaneously growth factors are influenced by, environment, culture, health and experiences with peers and adults. Gesell is actually the first person to demonstrate that a child’s developmental age may differ from his chronological age.”

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