Matient Care Model: A Case Study Of Maternity Care

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Maternity care used to be and still is at some facilities segregated into three departments; intrapartum, postpartum and nursery. This care is often called “transitional” care, and has been described as “rigid and inflexible” (Waller-Wise, 2012). During my obstetrics rotation, the transition to family centered care was observed.
Patient A.B. was a 26 year old female who had delivered her baby girl at 0502, approximately two hours before I assumed care of the patient with my preceptor. This was her third pregnancy and all were a cesarean delivery. Gestational age at time of delivery was forty weeks and one day. Mom was group B strep negative and required no antibiotics, blood loss was approximately 400ml and baby had Apgar score of eight and nine. The patient had a very detailed birth plan which included some details such as; staying with her baby, breastfeeding, and providing …show more content…

result in separation of moms and babies. In Mississippi 81 percent of infants are separated from their mothers after birth. In Munroe Regional Medical Center, the facility tried to adopt the couplet model in 2012 but under opposition from the area physicians the transition has been put on hold for now. According to Prophecy Healthcare, with organizations like American Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American College of Gynecologists (ACOG) supporting the adoption of the couplet care model, I believe that the national standard of traditional maternal care will transition to the couplet care model. The atmosphere of the maturity level is going to change “ the postpartum rooms will be mother/baby suites, the labor and delivery rooms will be the Birth place, and the nursery will be known as the baby lounge” (Schreiner,

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