Mathematics Autobiography

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Mathematics Autobiography When the school year starts there is laughter and smiles and chaos. Students find out where their friends lockers are and exchange schedules. Everyone hopes to have a few classes together with their friends and then...terror struck. Everyone around me was so happy with their classes but not me. My eyes glared down at my schedule and I saw the unthinkable...Geometry. My heart started to race and the nerves began to kick in, I Julianna Tafuri have geometry… first thing in the morning. Me and math are like water and oil, we just don’t mix well together. For as long as I can remember I have gotten low grades in math. I think that it all started in 5th grade. In 4th grade we were doing long division and I was on the ball, on top of my game. When I started 5th grade everything got much harder for me to grasp ahold of. We learned about fractions and percents and proportions and I would get so upset because I couldn’t understand. I remember my teacher used to staple all of our tests together once a week and we had to get them signed by our parents. I felt so ash...

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