Socio Economic Status Case Study

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1.6.1. Parent
According to Cambridge Dictionaries Online (2015), parent is defined as a mother or father of a person. On the whole, Harris and Goodall (2007) cited that parents are the prime educators until the child attends an early years setting or starts school and they remain a major influence on their children’s learning throughout school and beyond.

1.6.2. Socio-economic status(SES)
American Psychological Association (2006) demonstrated that socio-economic status (SES) is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. That is to say, it is usually conceptualized as the social standing or class of an individual or group.
Even more, Jerrim (2009) believed that parents’ socio-economic status has direct impact on their children’s learning in the form of providing educational resources. He added that the time parents used to spend during their children’s educational career have a great impact on their learning. For instance, Gratze (2006) argued that parents with lower incomes often have to work in longer hours in order to earn more money for their families. As a result, they will end up having less time to spend among their family members and getting more involved in their children’s learning process. Moreover, it is said that there is also more conflict in homes of lower …show more content…

As previously stated on the relationship of parents’ education and occupation value system of students, Donner (2006) pointed out that there is positive correlation of father‘s education and occupation with knowledge power, stimulation and social values, while mothers education has positive correlation with economic value. At home educated parents involve their children in a range reading, writing activities along with story telling that traditionally every family in all over the world parents tell

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