Masdar And Treescraper

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Masdar Iniative is a city being built adjacent to Abu Dhabi, and a design concept of sustainable living off of renewable resources located in the (UAE) United Arab Emirates. Though, the walled city will not allow cars it will be designed as a microchip network of connections, meaning that no one will be more than 200 meters from essential facilities. It will be strategically located close by Abu Dhabi’s principal transport system, Personalized Rapid Transportation (PRT) network. Masdar will be connected to surrounding communities, as well as the center of Abu Dhabi and the international airport, by a network of existing roads and new rail and public transport routes. Shaded walkways will create a pedestrian-friendly environment for Dhabi’s extreme climate. Expansion is carefully planned; the surrounding land will contain wind, photovoltaic farms, research fields and plantations, so that the city will be self-sufficient. The only sources of energy will be provided via solar movement and prevailing winds. With the use of a 60 megawatt photovoltaic power plant that will provide electricity to construct the remainder of the city will be done in two stage phasing, which later becomes the site for the city’s second phase, allowing for urban growth while avoiding low density sprawl.

Masdar city will be divided into six different units within the city. Those units include the Masdar Institute, research network, carbon management, special projects, innovation and investment units, and the Masdar special free zone. The Masdar Institute will be offering Masters and PhD programs in Science and Engineering with the sustainability and technology themes of the Masdar initiative. The Research Network and Innovation and Investment unit which definitively seems to have the same function seeks investors, studies development ideas and monitors the development of the city. The Carbon Management unit monitors carbon emissions reduction projects. Special Projects unit develops intense energy and technology projects of larger scales. The Special Free Zone will be a green community close by the airport to be open in 2009 which will provide housing and essential facilities for the students, researchers, industry workers and carefully selected tenants.

In an effort to initiate the global change from fossil fueled economies to sustainable living, Masdar is developing the worlds first “zero carbon- zero waste” city know to urban living. Abu Dhabi, Masdar, and Foster + Partners are all working together to plan the concepts, development and blueprint of the city. This past January 21st – 23rd during the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) there were many projects and concepts being presented as future developments for the city.

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