Mary Fisher The Greatest Speech Ever Analysis

636 Words2 Pages

Jacob Maurer
April 28th, 2014
“The Greatest Speech Ever”
Did you know that one in six of us are living with a disease we might not even know of. The disease or rather diseases are named HIV and aids. There are an estimated 1.1 million people in the United States living with HIV and there are “35.3 million people in the world who are living with aids.”("Global Aids Overview") Mary FIshers speech is the greatest speech because of the compassion that she wove into every word. Thing did need to change for the better and Mary Fisher got that done.

Maury Fisher was born in louisville, Kentucky on april 6th 1948 she grew up in southeast michigan where she attended the university of michigan. Mary Fisher contracted aids from her second husband. Her condition became public in 1992 when the story was published. She founded “CARE” (Clinical Aids Research and Education). When Mary Fisher grew up having aids or being around someone who had them was a death sentence so everybody had their own stereotypes. Mary Fisher also offered help to women in africa by teaching them how to make beaded bracelets so that they can support themselves.

Before Mary Fisher worked at CARE she worked in television production and even worked as the assistant to Gerald R. Ford the president of the united states. Mary Fisher was also a nationally popular artist. Mary Fisher’s art mainly consists things like quilts and handmade paper crafts. Even after finding out that she had breast cancer she still continues to fight for the people affected by hiv and aids. in 2006 mary fisher was elected to be the lead representative of the Joint United Nations Programme on hiv and aids. Mary fisher also helped create a website called ABATAKA Colle...

... middle of paper ... is “no.” If Mary was a healthy woman talking about AIDS the urgency to help would not have been there. It would have been another AIDS topic or discussion. Mary was the topic, the embodiment, the reflection–if we cannot help our own mothers then what type of people are we”?("Mary Fisher's Whisper of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos")

Another part of the rhetorical devices are logos, logos are the logical aspect of the speech mary fishes applies logic through her word she is a highly educated woman and is a logical person “Mary Fisher’s logic is very clear– without awareness we cannot move forward in fighting the battle against AIDS”.("Mary Fisher's Whisper of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos") What this means is that if the people who do not have aids have to know that it is a real threat for everybody without that awareness the battle is almost lost

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