Martha Washington First Lady Essay

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First Lady means any woman who was married to a President before, during, or after his term of office. People often have an assumption that being a First Lady means sitting around, dressing in fine clothing, wearing imported shoes or known for using every branded things from any parts of the world. But they are not, they are special people and being the first lady which also had a lot of struggle and accomplishment.
As the wife of George Washington, the first President of the United States (1789-1797), Martha Washington who also known as Martha Dandridge Custis Washington is considered to be the first First Lady of the United States, and often referred to as Lady Washington. She was born on June 2, 1731 on a plantation near Williamsburg. Even …show more content…

Martha may have told him by letter about her early life at White House, and George may wrote about what was happening on the battlefield. In December 1758, when he was on his way back to Williamsburg to request more supplies for his soldiers, at that time the war was not over, but he felt he had done his duty. He was ready to resigned his military commission and they was married in a grand ceremony on January 6,1759, at White House, less than ten months after their first initial meeting and less than eighteen months after Daniel Parke Custis death. They were ready to begin their new life together and raised Martha’s two children. From the day she married him, her great concern was the comfort and happiness of her husband and children. She probably never dreamed one day she would be the most important woman in the country and in the history of United …show more content…

However she still did everything in her power to fulfill her obligations as the president’s wife properly. She was a strong and independent woman who was also a dutiful wife. Being the United States first First Lady, resulted she had no role model to look up to within her own country, so she looked to Europe for inspiration in hosting public functions and affairs. The Europeans respected her in return and some of them sent her gifts. She also set a high standard for the position of the president’s wife. Although her husband was the head of the infant United States, it has been said the heart of the nation was its first

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