Marriage as Viewed by Greeks, Christians and Hebrews

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According to the Bible, love and marriage were treated with respect because they were divine before the eyes of God. He gave clear instructions to man and woman telling them to marry and bring forth children to fill His world. In essence therefore, man has to respect this institution called marriage and the associated strong emotions or love.

Homer’s poem portrays a different version of the same where man is free to cohabit with another woman while they are not married. In the poem we see Penelope living in the same quarters with as many as a hundred suitors and no law is present to avoid the sexual irresponsibility resulting from this. Some of Odysseus’s maid servants end up sleeping with the suitors.

The period before one marries is sacred according to the Bible where the husband-to-be respects the special bond with his lover. Joseph and Mary exemplify this putting into consideration his reaction to Mary’s pregnancy. He was confused because of her seemingly inconsiderate actions.

Homer’s odyssey however, portrays the picture differently where Penelope is seen to live with all her suitors in the same house they decide to sleep with the maid servants. It seems that Greek culture held little regard for the sanctity of marriage and love. The fact that some of the suitors decide to disrespect her feelings and, sleep with the house maids is a manifestation of this.

The odyssey again tries to illustrate how vain Greeks were in issues pertaining to love. Penelope has more than one hundred suitors trying to woo her while she is not the only girl available. The fact that she is beautiful is not enough to justify her attracting all those men while there is evidence of there being other ladies availabl...

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... for refusing to do as instructed by the Bible which is the word of God.

The Bible is very clear on the consequence one faces for not respecting the institution of marriage. Not obeying this is a sin and He is clear on the issue of marriage which He says is sacred. Therefore, those who decide to divorce their spouses face a very harsh judgment since God is clear on the issue of marriage.

Greek mythology on the other hand supported divorce and the end of marriage. When a woman adulterated or failed to conceive, the man was allowed to organize divorce and ask for his bride price. This shows that the Greeks were not as serious as Christians and Hebrews on the matters of divorce.

In conclusion, the fact that man believes in supreme beings does not mean he forgets his cultural predisposition. It again does not mean he is disrespectful to God or the gods.

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