Influence Of Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer Behaviour & Attitude Formation According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2006), the authors expressed, products mean different things to different people and their basis for choosing a product relies on the overall satisfaction that derives from the purchase. Despite the strength of this statement, the opposing judgment on a consumer 's engagement with a brand derived from timeworn research into consumer attitudes before the development of social media marketing - whereby Fishbein & Ajzen (1980), studied the demand for a product, finding bearings in their research which portrayed such demand was influenced by the characteristics of the consumer. Although the statements suggested minimal differences, the overall point of parity derived by …show more content…

The author discussed, a consumer 's purchasing behaviour, media choice, fear, social influence, product choice, opinion leadership, risk taking and attitude change were all factors affected by a consumer 's personality. In support, Aaker (1997) argued such consumer attitudes formed from the set of human characteristics associated with the typical user of a brand and the brand 's product endorsers. To illustrate, Kanye West, a controversial rap artist renowned in the fashion industry introduced his first line of footwear - the Yeezys - through a collaboration made with Adidas in 2015. The rap-artist used his and wife, Kim Kardashian 's TV personality and spotlight to endorse the limited edition of trainers to influence their mass-audience following on Instagram- so much so, their social presence culminated in the rap artist 's first line of footwear selling out in twelve minutes after going on …show more content…

With similar insights about the platform 's marketing success, Loureino (2013) expressed that Instagram saves brands cost for designing and marketing a brand. Nonetheless, with there being many photo-creating and photo-sharing applications, Scott (2011) added that Instagram was deemed most popular conquering more than 100million users. The author wrote that almost all users of Instagram use the platform to create appealing images that can be shared onto the network - providing individuals and organisations with a network that can retrieve responses from a growing popularity of Instagram users. (McGough and Salomon,

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