The Importance Of Benthic Community

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Marine organisms live and thrive in communities much like we do; these communities or populations of organisms which interact together in a specific location, are essential for the species’ survival and for the overall functioning of the ecosystem. These specific communities vary depending upon the organisms which inhabit it as well as the physical conditions of that area. Pelagic communities are well known since these communities encompass the entirety of the open water, but Benthic communities, though less discussed, are equally as important (Garrison 310).
Benthic communities are composed of benthic organisms that live on the bottom of a body of water. To be more specific, benthic organisms are known as benthos (Benthic). Benthos can consist of crabs, lobsters, sea …show more content…

Benthic communities exist within all of our oceans and they play a huge role in the ecosystem. It’s important to first understand the types of Benthos that are out there and what functions the different benthic organisms have in our oceans.
Benthos can be classified as either phytobenthos, or zoobenthos (Benthic, What is Benthos). Phytobenthos are primary producers such as algae (seaweed) and aquatic plants like seagrass. Zoobenthos, on the other hand, are consumers like benthic animals and protozoa. Sugars are able to leak out of phytobenthos tissues as they rapidly produce carbohydrate molecules, then it attracts zoobenthos that consume the sugars or the seaweed itself (Garrison 342). Benthos are also be grouped by their size. They can be either be macrobenthos, meiobenthos, or microbenthos (Benthos). Macrobenthos are the largest, measuring larger than one millimeter. These include starfish, lobsters, sea urchin, and crabs. The middle group, meiobenthos, are between one tenth and one millimeter in size. This group consists of diatoms and sea worms. Microbenthos are the smallest and they contain micro organisms like diatoms, ciliates

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