Industrialization: America's Transformation in the Gilded Age

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During the second half of the nineteenth century, frontier was secure and the United States was on the edge of becoming a world superpower. The quick rate of industrialization and expansion westward certainly helped produce this situation. As Mark Twain called the late 19th century the “Gilded age”, which satirizes the greed and political corruption after the Civil War in America. This was the Industrial revolution, the modern America formative period when an agrarian society of minor producers were transformed into an urban society dominated by industrial corporations. Industrializtion Industrialization was such a drastic change to the American life, it changed the way they lived, worked, their status and even how they would think. …show more content…

The only way for America to reach from sea to sea is to expand westward and dislocate the Native Americans that were already living there. Native Americans were dislocated from their homes and established tribes and were taken to barren infertile areas. America also engaged into a war with Mexico over Texas and ended up with Texas and the Southwest. There were many ways that the Americans moved the Native Americans which include the horrific trail of tears. These events show that the United States stopped at nothing to fulfill the destiny that they had in their minds to make the United States dominate North …show more content…

Which lead to the natives moving more North. As they were moving north the railroads expanded to the North Pacific and lead to million of buffalo deaths and lead to the Indian War. The Battle of Little Bighorn is the first huge victory for the native people against the american. During this time period America was growing and became such a powerful country by the industrialization and new inventions and expanding of the West. America went through many hardships to get where they are now. Dealing with the agriculture change, status change, immigration, labor force, living extent, government policy’s, and the way they had to live in a new society. Also the government tried to Americanize different race entering the society, and trying to put strict rules concluding this is the American lifestyle. America today wouldn’t be the way it is without the biggest change of American

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