Malaria In Zimbabwe

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The current leader of Zimbabwe is Robert Mugabe. He has been the leader for thirty years since the country declared its independence. ( “Zimbabwe Profile” Par 1) Diseases can be a serious issue and Malaria is one of them. A village called Chundu is very prone to the disease but families manage to be free from it. Families are able to avoid mosquitoes with insect nets. Bodies of water are breeding grounds for mosquitoes and unfortunately the village is very close to one. Zambezi valley has many different water bodies and one of those include the Zambezi river. This area is the perfect breeding ground for plasmodium falciparum parasites which cause a very dangerous form of Malaria. From the months from November to May, people getting Malaria happens very often. The area has seasonal floods that will make Malaria stay even longer and possibly cause an epidemic. In order to fight back, Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Welfare have launched a Malaria control program called the Zimbabwe- Zambia Cross- Border Malaria Initiative or the CBMI for short. A total of $882,000 has been funded to help prevent the disease and to fund supplies such as mosquito nets, fumigation, spraying their homes and health education. The government of Zimbabwe wants to help their citizens tremendously with fighting diseases and will continue to work with international partners to aid the people. The government states that (Success Against Malaria Par 3,7,9,10)

Malaria is known to be transmitted from mosquitoes. Several areas are prone to the disease and some are better protected then others. As of 2013, 110 countries are affected by malaria.(“ Country Profiles”) The disease has been around for quite a long time which would be millions of years. Ther...

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... involved. The world works together to help each other in many ways and one of those ways is funds. The US gives funds to help countries that are struggling to deal with malaria and several people from other countries travel to Zimbabwe to help the people who are in need. In any place in the world, if there is something drastic happening it is only natural to take action and do something about it. Not only in Zimbabwe but Africa itself, they are also dealing with HIV/AIDS. With both of these diseases spreading rapidly and death rates increasing, the population could be heavily affected. As of 2013, the country with the highest death rate is South Africa, which is where Zimbabwe is located. Prevention and cures are a high priority and the Zimbabwe government will continue to look out for their citizens by working with others around the world. (“Country Comparison”)

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