Making a Cockroach-free Home

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Cockroaches are dirty nasty little creatures that make even the most upright citizen feel down right filthy and unclean. We as human beings strive for a better life and environment and in our eyes; these poor creatures bring on images of sickness, plague and death. That is why we will take any measure and spend any amount necessary to ensure our homes are clean and healthy. From bait traps to poisonous bombs and sprays, we spend hundreds of dollars to rid ourselves of every kind of pest and vermin.

The purpose of this book is to show you how to accomplish a healthy and cockroach free home sensibly and affordably. From the cockroach history and evolution to community and habitat, we discuss what makes the cockroach such a formidable foe. We cover ways this insect will infiltrate your home and provide advice on professional and do-it-yourself extermination.

From that point, we also cover ways to protect your home from these scavengers, especially for those who live in apartments or duplexes as these types of buildings often suffer from multiple colonies and sources.

Despite the fact that they are dreaded and despised little creatures, cockroaches are beneficial to the environment. We take a brief section to discuss the cockroach’s role in nature. This section is not to create sympathy for the cockroach, but to provide knowledge about the cockroach. Understanding how and why cockroaches are they way they are can provide necessary information on how to keep your home bug free.

Throughout the book, we will also talk about myths and misconceptions about the cockroach.

I do not condone the hunting down and extinction of cockroaches or the brutal shoe stomping methods, however I do understand the importance of a healthy and bug free...

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... believed to have immigrated from northeastern Africa as well, but had already established a strong foothold in southern United States by the time it had been properly named. American cockroaches are reddish-brown with yellow discoloration behind the head. American cockroaches typically do not invade and reside inside human dwellings, preferring to scavenge off the land as a means to survive. However, they can be found on occasion inside a residence, seeking shelter from the cold.

The largest cockroach in the world is Australian burrowing cockroach. This insect can reach 9cm (3 inches) in length and weigh almost 30 grams (1 ounce). The smallest cockroach in the world is called the Attaphilla fungicola and measures only 3 mm.

Throughout this book, we will discuss the lifestyles and habitats of these three species as these are the most common in human surroundings.

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