Mahatma Gandhi’s Nonviolent Movement Against the British Occupation of India

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A hero is a man or woman that sets an admirable example for people around them. There are heroes in every field, every region and every walk of life that demonstrated these traits and qualities. Countless examples prove the same principle in every case. There are many examples throughout history of heroes who lived their message, made sacrifices and served their people well. The timeless examples of modern history include Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent movement against the British occupation of India. Mahatma Gandhi has inspired people all around the world to be better people by peacefully reconciling their differences and looking for common grounds. He practiced love and forgiveness towards his friends and enemies. This is a great example of a hero that many people admire and look up to. Another example of true heroism is Martin Luther King Jr. This man has started his life from humble beginnings and managed to start a philosophical nonviolent revolution that changed peoples’ lives for generations. His pursuit of justice and equality has encouraged people to join his cause and follow his footsteps. He marched for justice in the streets of Alabama and spoke passionately against racism and discrimination in schools, businesses and courts. In the end, he gave up his life by being assassinated for his beliefs. However, his efforts were rewarded by enacting many laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination against ethnic and racial minorities in the US. Many countries in the Western culture have followed the U.S. example. And a rapid progress was made in this regard in a relatively short period of time. In my opinion, Gandhi and King symbolize all the qualities and traits that heroes should aspire for. There are few heroes in histor...

... middle of paper ... life by adopting the same principles in their daily lives, day in and day out; thereby, inspiring people around them to follow their example. Heroes are not defined by certain ages, purposes, genders or ethnic backgrounds as much as they are defined by those qualities. Although heroes generally lives difficult lives, marred by hardships, adversaries and challenges. They managed to win the hearts and minds of people around them by withholding timeless principles and honoring the ideals that make them great. Through time, people will develop respect for heroes for their characters and ethical standards.

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Tollefson, T. (1993, May/June). Is a Hero Really Nothing but a Sandwich? Utne Reader.

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