Magic Realism in "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings"

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A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a complex story about the author’s experience of poverty and hardship during the civil war in Colombia. Throughout Marquez’s late teen years, Colombia was plagued by social and economic problems. In 1946, Colombia’s problems grew into a violent rebellion that lasted for ten long years. “The violent war was named La Violencia or The Violence; it became the most bloodshed period in Colombia” (Bailey 4). Marquez’s choice of magic realism made it possible for him to place hidden messages in the story by creating a deeper connection to his readers. The intricate characters and scenes Marquez portrays in the story all have a significant relation on his emotions, his life, and his country during the tragic years of La Violencia.

The story begins by Marquez welcoming his readers on the third day of rain. “The world had been sad since Tuesday. Sea and sky were a single gray thing” (Marquez 401). His description about the atmosphere of the town symbolizes the dark and sad emotions he endured when La Violencia took over his country. Interestingly, he also specifies a particular month that took part in Colombian history. “…and the sands of the beach, which on March nights glimmered like powdered light, had become a stew of mud and rotten shellfish” (Marquez 401). According to Latin American Studies, “Liberal appointees in the government resigned in protest on March 1948. The following month, the inevitable explosion occurred in the form of the most violent and destructive riot in the country's long history of conflict” (web). In addition to the gloomy atmosphere of the town, Marquez also captivates his readers by bringing crabs into the story. A blog about animal symbolis...

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