Madagascar Social Structure

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The social structure in Madagascar is based off of a hierarchy. Madagascar bases their hierarchy with superior on one end and inferior on the other and people file in where they belong based off their age, descent, and gender (“The People of Madagascar”). With this predetermined ranking, ancestors have greater power over their descendants. This greater power is called hasina and is distributed unequally among families (“The People of Madagascar”). Royals of the country and elders in families have greater hasina than the people below them. This hierarchy system impacts people and families in every way that they live life. One example of this is during meals. Family members are to sit around the table in order of their age going from oldest to youngest and the oldest person is supposed to be served before the youngest (“The People of Madagascar”). The hierarchy system in Madagascar does not just determine a person’s economic status, but the amount of hasina they have over others as well. …show more content…

One of the traditional clothing worn by most Malagasy it the lamba. The word lamba simply means cloth or clothing (Traditional Madagascar Clothing). The elegant weaving of the lamba is used in ceremony like wedding and funerals. In marriage ceremonies the bride and the groom are wrapped in a lamba to signify their forever union. In funeral the bodies are wrapped in heavy white silk lamba before placing them in the family tombs. Men traditionally wear the lamba draped over the left shoulder but when they are in mourning it is draped over the right shoulder. The lamba is also offer to ruler, ancestors and spirits in return for blessings. The dye used in the cloths is natural and they are extracted from berries, roots and bark (Society and Culture of Madagascar). Its common for them to have a proverb printed on the bottom. The color, print and type of cloth vary from region to

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