Macbeth's Killing of Duncan in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Macbeth's Killing of Duncan in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

In this essay I will explore all the reasons and explanations behind

the killing of Duncan by Macbeth. I will explore all the influences

upon him that lead to him deciding to kill Duncan; who is his king. I

will explore four factors that contribute to the murder of Duncan;

these factors are: Macbeth's personal ambitions, the weaknesses of

Duncan, the witches and the ever-present influence of Lady Macbeth.

This play is based upon the life of a real man, Macbeth. He was born

in the year 1005, and was the grandson of King Malcolm II. Later in

Macbeth's life he fights a battle and eventually kills a man called

Duncan near Elgin. After killing Duncan he then drove his sons out of

the country. This relates strongly to the play, where the thoughts of

Macbeth are explored more often and the story slightly different.

When James I of England became king, a year later Shakespeare produced

the play Macbeth. The strategy of producing the play at this time was

very successful, as the play was very relevant to the audience, as it

was compared to a recent happening; the gunpowder plot in 1606.

There are many ideas running through Macbeth's head during the play,

and his thoughts are often shown to the audience by the use of

Soliloquies (asides). This gives the audience a feel of what is going

through Macbeth's mind and how his thoughts change during the play. We

know in the play that Macbeth has been a successful soldier and has

fought for his country. He is seen as a hero at the start of the play

and is admired by everyone. This is what Duncan says about him,

'O valiant cousin, wort...

... middle of paper ...


Macbeth so much, she taunts him, and she questions his manhood, all to

have power for herself. The whole play is filled with twists and

different ideas on why Macbeth kills Duncan, but I feel the following

quote sums up the main reason why Macbeth kills him,

'How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me:

I would, while it was smiling in my face,

Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums

And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn

As you have done to this.' (Act I Scene 7)

I feel this quote sums up why Macbeth kills Duncan because it shows

the methods of persuasion of Lady Macbeth. I think Lady Macbeth is the

main reason behind the killing of Duncan, as she taunts him by saying

he is not a man if he does not perform the deed. Her methods obviously

work on Macbeth as the deed is finally done.

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