Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Macbeth is a story about a man that becomes so power-hungry and

apprehensive that he kills to become king of Scotland.

Reproducing the play would be moderately difficult, when trying to

duplicate the play in a different style or theme as one would have

re-write the whole script according to your wishes, one would also

have to adjust characters and the language to make it more, less or

the same amount relevant to today.

When changing the language you would have to explore the current

language and then translate into another style. Although you would be

helped by the fact that body language makes it easier to interpret

Elizabethan style language.

One would have to consider adding or changing current characters to

make them more relevant to your theme or plot, while doing this one

would have to be sure to make the characters related to the original

Macbeth play.

I have chosen film as my medium because I feel it makes it look more

realistic, and people wont have any problems as a lot of media today

is based around film.

I have selected 'Black Comedy' as my genre; I believe using this genre

can make Macbeth thrilling and comical, I also sense that this genre

is has more potential than the original.

Choosing the historical setting has been quite easy - to suit the

'Black Comedy' genre, I feel that today would work well as people

associate 'Black Comedy' with current times. I feel this will attract

people aged 15+, as they may be able to relate to it.

I have chosen the streets of Brooklyn as my setting; I feel this

coincides with the fact that I'm basing it around 'Black Comedy', I

also think that this will attract people that can relate to this kind

of location.

I have decided that changing the language is very important for people

to be interested, the language in the original is at times very hard

to understand which can mean that it makes it very tedious.

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