Macbeth Vs Polanski Analysis

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In the Roman Polanski version of Macbeth, he starts out in a wonderful life as being a highly recognized man in the army and is one of the king’s favorites. Throughout this movie viewers can see a change of morals in Macbeth. In the beginning Macbeth was a happy man who was proud of his honor, then his change starts when he becomes angry with the king. A tragic hero by definition is a great character who falls to misfortune or failure. Macbeth exhibits this best by starting out as a noble solider in King Duncan’s army as being Thane of Cawdor, who then evolves into an ambitious king from the witches prophecies, being emasculated by his wife, and hallucinations of the mirrors.
When Macbeth and the king have their first confrontation with the
Lady Macbeth was also a young character who was greedy and wanted the throne of queen of Scotland. However, in the play he was an elderly man and so was Lady Macbeth. The greed and ambition of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth would have not gotten to them so bad if they were wiser with their actions in the Polanski version. If they were older people in the movie Macbeth may have received the throne of King of Scotland in a more noble way than killing king Duncan in the movie. If Macbeth was an older character in the movie he may have received the throne for being an honored solider. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were blinded by their greed to become the king and queen of Scotland. Macbeth allowed Lady Macbeth to determine his fate for him to kill the king when he was second guessing his actions. Macbeth also made a complete character change when he met with the witches because he needed help from them to reassure his future. Macbeth also changed after his scene with the hallucinations of the eight mirrors due to him seeing that his sons with not hold the throne in the future. The Roman Polanski version was not an exact representation of the play because Polanski made Macbeth and Lady Macbeth young, and carless with their

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