Macbeth Quotes Analysis

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In countless novels and literary works, knowledge of a future has led to the downfall of those trying to manipulate it. This aberration serves as a central theme of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, where Macbeth’s knowledge of a future fuels him to commit unspeakable acts in order to manipulate the future to his liking. Macbeth is initially characterized as a dignified warrior who is a hero of Scotland, valiantly winning a gruesome war. This noble image of him is progressively tainted as he becomes a tyrannical ruler who does not hesitate to exterminate those who pose a threat to his throne. Although Macbeth falls victim to the influence of the witches and Lady Macbeth, he is the only one responsible for his demise. The murder of King Duncan serves as Macbeth’s first step toward his undoing. Initially, Macbeth is depicted as a war hero who would sacrifice his life for his country, demonstrating his immense audacity. This characterization takes a quick turn after he learns his future; when he kills King Duncan, Macbeth …show more content…

All of his subjects fear him, for he has lost everything, and people will always ‘fear the man who has nothing to lose.’ He has drifted apart from everyone and everything he used to love, including his wife. A man who loves nothing has nothing to fear, and everyone fears the man who has nothing to lose. He symbolically proclaims, “The castle of Macduff I will surprise … give to th’ edge o’ th’ sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line … This deed I’ll do before this purpose cool” (4.1.172-175). This demonstrates how Macbeth has nothing to lose, making him extremely dangerous. Thus, he slaughters people who pose no threat to his throne and are completely innocent, essentially killing them for no

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