Macbeth- The Disorder Over Power Is it Macbeth’s fault that as he grew a corrupt/powerful leader, various aspects had gone into disorder? Macbeth was once a normal and civilized man who fought for the king of Scotland. Without the influence of various aspects, he may have not been as corrupt as he became. Society had been very influential to Macbeth, his family, great friends, and townsfolk had all been influencing his perspective of the reign. Many orders/demands that were made had created chaos, influencing on the corruption of Macbeth during his reign. Macbeth’s own instinct had implicated Macbeth’s power, stretching Macbeth’s desire of royalty. Macbeth’s rule had various implications that lead to his corrupt reign but as he reigned those …show more content…
In the beginning Macbeth had believed “If chance will him king, why, chance may crown him, without his stir.” (1,3,154-156). He didn’t want to stir around with the decision making of his reign, but unlike his order there was a result of chaos. Macbeth “had done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?” (2,2,19). Contrary to his order, he had helped himself get closer to his reign of Scotland. Macbeth had killed King Duncan, showing how the consequence of chaos from order influenced Macbeth’s way to becoming a corrupt lord. The sons of Duncan, Malcolm and Donaldbain now “lives in the English court and is received of the most pious Edward with such grace,” (3,6,26-27). It is known that son/daughter of the reigning king/queen is next in line to be royalty. Contrary to this order, they had moved to England, away form Scotland making them unable to continue their family’s reign of Scotland. This ended in aiding Macbeth to over take the reign of Scotland, another aspect involved in helping rise to his reign. In the beginning, the witches had said that Banquo was “lesser than Macbeth, and greater.” (1,3,68). Banquo was foreshadowed to be as powerful as Macbeth and also be next in line for crown of Scotland. As a chaotic result, Macbeth had assigned murders to “let it come down [Assaulting Banquo].” (3,3,24). This contrary action of killing Banquo helped Macbeth …show more content…
Macbeth had believed that “come what may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day.” (1,3,160-161). Macbeth didn’t want to interfere with whatever was to come and so this had helped many orders from society come true like Lady Macbeth wanting to kill Duncan so that she and her family could become royalty. Macbeth had also believed “If good, why do I yield to that suggestion.” (1,3,144). Macbeth had a mental thought of yielding good suggestions that were given. This mental instinct of yielding suggestions had also contributed to the development of Macbeth’s reign, like how Macbeth yielding Lady Macbeth’s idea of killing King Duncan to reign Scotland. Macbeth had believed that Banquo’s “royalty of nature reigns that which would fear’d,” (3,1,54-55). Macbeth began to believe that Banquo could be a threat to Macbeth’s chance of gaining reign of Scotland. This instinct leads him to having Banquo murdered. Together helping Macbeth gain royalty. These various examples of Macbeth’s mental instinct show that his thought himself was another aspect in aiding Macbeth to become King of
Though Macbeth is skilled for fighting and has won battles for Scotland, he has a difficult time battling his internal conflicts between good and evil. Macbeth is first introduced to this internal conflict when the witches give him a prophecy. The witches tell him that he will be the Thane of Cawdor and then become king after that. When he finds out that he is the Thane of Cawdor, he sees that the witches’ prophecy is right. He then thinks about how he will become king. Macbeth’s conscience bothers him after he thinks about the ways he can become king. Banquo is also given a prophecy from the witches about him being the father of many kings. He does not face internal conflict due to evil thoughts like Macbeth has been faced with. Macbeth begins to become ambitious not too long after the witches’ prophecy. He does not want to wait to become king. Lady Macbeth influences him to kill Duncan so Macbeth can become king. Macbeth does not want to kill Duncan at first. He says “if chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me...
Both Banquo and Macbeth are introduced as loyal captains in the king`s army, but as the play progresses, Macbeth is overcome with the desire of power due to his reception of the prophecies. Upon hearing, Banquo does not become greedy for power, but, alternatively, he is suspect and cautious begins wondering if “we [Macbeth and Banquo] eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner?” (1.3). Realizing the witches were simply trying to make him ambitious, Banquo remains loyal to his king and his country, despite knowing that he will have a dynasty to rule Scotland. Despite having the motivation, Banquo does not commit treason against his king but rather wants to “keep my [his] bosom franchis'd and allegiance clear” (2.1), meaning that he has no desire to betray the king for personal gain. Conversely, upon hearing the witches’ prophecies, Macbeth becomes ambitious for power and follows them blindly. He is curious about the witches’ prophecies and demands they “stay… [and] tell me [him] more” (1.3). When he hears that the prophecy that his heirs will rule Scotland he will be king, Macbeth`s ambition is born and his thoughts instantly turn to murder, even though the witches had not mentioned murdering King Duncan which shows that Macbeth has previously thought about murdering his king. As a result, Macbeth has no loyalty to neither his king nor his country and commits treason. While both Banquo and Macbeth hear the witches` prophecies that promised power, only Macbeth conceded to their prophecy and became overcame with ambition. Macbeth is a direct antithesis to the honorable, dependent Banquo. He transforms into a greedy man who is obsessed with his
Guilt surrounds Macbeth for the second time when he sends out the murderers to kill Banquo, his old friend. Macbeth had no other choice but to get rid of Banquo. Banquo had witnessed the three witches and the prophecies. One prophecy was that his son would become king one day "To make them kings, the seeds of Banquo kings"(Act3 scene1 line70). In order for Macbeth to be safe is to kill Banquo. Banquo may assume what had happened and tell the people of Scotland. "For Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind; for them the gracious Duncan have I murdered; Put rancors in the vessel of my peace only for them, and mine eternal jewel".
This essay earned a 89/100. it was a lot of work considering the lines from macbeth for textual support.
The second malicious decision chosen by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth was to have Banquo and his sons killed. This would cancel out the possibility of Banquo's sons becoming kings. In Act III scene 1, Macbeth states that Banquo and his sons would be murdered by saying, "Banquo, thy soul's flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight." (p.91) The consequence of the decision to kill Banquo and his sons started when Macbeth felt more guilt and developed a worried conscience in the form of a vision of Banquo's ghost.
Later in the play Banquo starts to have a bad feeling about Macbeth. "Thou hast it now: King, Cowdor, Glamis, all,/ as the weird women promised, and I fear/ thou play'dst most foully for `t." III i 1-3, this is a quote from Banquo explaining how he feels about Macbeth's predictions coming true. Macbeth realizes this about Banquo and he starts to have feelings about killing Banquo. This isn't the only reason he feels this way, the witches had also made predictions for Banquo. "Thou shall get kings, though thou be none." I iii 67, Macbeth doesn't want any of Banquo's family to rule Scotland; he wants his own family to continue to rule. Macbeth hires two murderers to kill Banquo and his on Fleance. The murderers end up killing Banquo, but Fleance gets away.
“The fact that war is the word we use for almost everything—on terrorism, drugs, even poverty—has certainly helped to desensitize us to its invocation; if we wage wars on everything, how bad can they be?”- Glenn Greenwald. The use of drugs through out the United States has gotten worse and worse every year, and I know that in the U.S. it is both a health problem and a crime problem. But I feel like that we should treat the abuse of illegal drugs as a matter of public health. It should be treated as a matter of public health over a matter of criminal justice because we can help people that abuse drugs and are addicted. Also well be able to get their lives on track so they won’t have to use drugs again which makes dealers go away because no one is buying their drugs anymore.” The origins and nature of the appeal of anti drug claims must be confronted if we are ever to understand how “drug problems” are constructed in the U.S.”(pg.92) –The Social Construction of Drug Scares
A former director of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency’s Mexican office once stated:” The heroin market abhors a vacuum.” The truth in this statement can be extended to not only the heroin trade but also the trade of numerous other drugs of abuse; from cocaine to methamphetamines, the illicit drug trade has had a way of fluidity that allows insert itself into any societal weakness. Much like any traditional commodity good, illicit drugs have become not only an economy in and of themselves, they have transformed into an integral part of the legitimate global economy. Whether or not military or law enforcement action is the most prudent or expedient method of minimizing the ill-effects of the illicit drug trade is of little consequence to the understanding of the economic reality of its use in the United States ongoing “War on Drugs”. As it stands, not only has the illicit drug trade transformed itself into a self-sufficient global economy, so too has the drug-fighting trade. According to a CNN report in 2012, in the 40 years since the declaration of “The War on Drugs”, the United States Federal Government has spent approximately $1 trillion in the fight against illicit drugs. Additionally, a report in the New York Times in 1999 estimates that federal spending in the “War on Drugs” tops $19 billion a year and state and local government spending nears $16 billion a year. Given the sheer magnitude of federal, state, and local spending in the combat of the illicit drug trade, one would reasonably expect that the violence, death, and destruction that so often accompanies the epicenters of the drug economy would be expelled from the close proximity of the United States. While this expectation is completely reasonable to the ...
In 2055 America is separated into a bunch of gangs selling an extremely addictive drug. People will do anything for it, even join gangs and kill people.
The drug problem in the U.S. and around the world is an important issue and seems to be a difficult problem to tackle across the board. The inflow of drugs has become one of the largest growths in transnational crime operations; illicit drug use in the United States makes it very difficult for nation states police and customs forces to get a handle on the issues. War on drugs, drug trafficking has long been an issue for the United States. There has been a proclamation of “war on drugs” for the past 44 years.
When anything in life first begins to grow, it begins as a seed. The seed of a plant, or of a thought, or of an idea. Once created, the seed can do one of two things. It can grow, or it can die. Shakespeare’s play Macbeth tells the story of an innocent man who is turned evil from the seeds planted by those around him, allowing readers to explore the repetition of growth and how it is implied through characters. Throughout the play, growth is used to display Macbeth and Banquo as foil characters, show Banquo’s “goodness” through positive imagery, and to show Macbeth’s “evilness” through negative growth imagery. By analyzing Shakespeare’s use of growth imagery, critical readers recognize that growth enforces the idea that growth triumphs evil, embodied in the actions and consequences of Macbeth and Banquo as they make one of two crucial choices? Good, or evil?
To begin, we'll address Macbeth's subsequent murders, following Duncan's. For Macbeth, he's just killed the King of Scotland and blamed it on his son. It worked and he became King, however he remembered the witches' prophecies. They claimed that Macbeth would be King, but it would be Banquo's children that would follow after him. This made Macbeth very angry, he risked everything to become King and after him none of his family will follow.
It is in human nature that the more power one desires the more corrupt actions one must do to attain it. In Shakespeare’s tragedy of Macbeth, a Scottish noble's craving for power leads him to do terrible deeds that leads to his demise. Shakespeare shows that power corrupts by using Macbeth who corrupts under the thought of have power over others. Macbeth becomes corrupt under the thought of becoming king and gaining almost complete control over the people that he rules. Macbeth wants the power badly enough to do horrible deeds such as commit regicide. Lady Macbeth becomes very ambitious and allows herself to become seduced to the idea of becoming Queen. Her ruthlessness urges Macbeth to commit regicide by questioning his love for her and his own manhood.
...le Macbeth tells them that ‘every man be master of his time’ so that he can ‘keep alone’. By choosing to isolate himself and not inform Lady Macbeth of his plans to murder Banquo we see how Macbeth feels as if he can’t even trust his closest companions. After turning his back on Lady Macbeth, Macbeth becomes fixated not only on the prophecies of the witches but when he hints to Lady Macbeth that ‘a deed of dreadful note’ will fall upon Banquo and his son he talks like the witches. This shows how Macbeth has turned his back on seeking council from his lords and advisors and begins to act as a king who instead of rationally thinking things out, he chooses to justify his reasons on prophetic predictions from a world of sorcery.
The Tragedy of Macbeth written by William Shakespeare is a tale of a man and his un-bridled ambition, set in ancient Scotland. Macbeth is a nobleman of the king of Scotland, Duncan, who is in mid-war with Norway. Macbeth and his fellow general Banquo encounter three witches. The witches tell the pair that Macbeth will be king, and Banquo’s children will also be kings. Any person in their right mind would question information given to them by strangers, let alone witches, but for some reason these statements intrigue Macbeth. They temp Macbeth to do evil things such as treason, and worse, to kill. Although un-bridled ambition is his main tragic flaw, there is one more that plays a big role in his decisions and the outcome of the story; Macbeth is far too impressionable.