Mac vs. PC

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Steve Job’s Mac versus Henry Edward Robert’s PC has been a long debated topic between the people of the electronic world. The Mac is one of the most highly appraised computer systems in the country. Even though only about ten percent of computer owners use Macs the percentage is definitely increasing. Most of these people are drawn to the Macs because of their futuristic aesthetics and operating system. Also, many people love the unique features that the Mac offers, such as, being able to show all thumbnails opened on your computer on one screen and being able to easily get a file from one computer to another. There are many pros to owning a Mac computer instead of a PC. Mac’s operating system is very highly acclaimed and it has many reasons to be. One reason is that Mac makes it really easy to share a file between two Mac users; all you have to do is click the Airdrop button. Another reason is the Auto Save feature; this means you are able to auto save documents without worrying about overwriting an older version of the file. Also, Macs are mainly prone to getting viruses....

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