MEDS Method Case Study

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MEDS Method
#1- Analyze the question divide the question into two parts: the stem
Which introduces the problem and the case scenario which provides additional facts.
Ex: The client has edema and is obese.
What are diet choices for that client?

How to eliminate wrong options? Do not pick answers with new
Elements to look for in a question:
The issue what is the question asking?
It can be related to the patient’s drug or diet
The Client Who is the main person in the question?
Ex: The patient or a family member
The keywords Important words that one should pay attention to they are also precise.
Ex: the most, the first
The Type of stem is the answer to the question a true or false response. DISTRACTORS They are questions used to trick one from picking the right answers.

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...g self, showing empathy, focusing, restatement, clarification and giving information. These skills focus on the patients and allow them to share their feeling with the nurse for better therapeutic care. Communication blocks on the other hand focus more on the nurse than the patient. The client’s concerns and feelings should always be the main focus when it comes to communication. They include: giving advice, showing approval, using clichés and defensive response. The nurse should also work with and encourage the client. When selecting priorities, always use the Maslow’s hierarchy and physiological needs and safety are always a priority. It is also important to use the nursing process when answering questions. Lastly, it is important for students to identify if each question has to do with assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation.

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