Lucid Dreams Research Paper

862 Words2 Pages

1It is fascinating to think that dreams are a succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur in the mind during certain time stages of sleep. Researchers have often discussed the content and purpose of dreams but cannot fully understand the meaning of them or the underlying message that are displayed in the unconscious state. What are dreams exactly? Dreams are the succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur when involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Dreaming mainly happens in the "rapid eye movement" REM stage of sleeping when the brain activity os high and resembles being awake. Sometimes dreams can happen during other stages of sleep. But these dreams tend to be less vivid and memorable and can vary from a few sec to 20-30 minutes. The average person has about three to five dreams a night. There are 6 common dreams states that everyone
Sometimes this sudden sense of knowing you are dreaming allows you to do fantastic things like fly over the buildings that you see. Many people actually wake themselves up within the dream to remain in this lucid state so they can explore how they can influence dreams. Having this ability to wake up in the lucid dream state is an important initiation into mastering the power of thought and its ability to influence events inside the brain. Lucid dreams is the ability to consciously observe and/or control your dreams.It transfers you into an alternate reality were everything you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell is as real as when you are wake. Inside normal dreams your self awareness is shut off and this is why they feel fuzzy and distant. With lucid dreams you are always asleep in bed but feel as if you wake and functioning in the reality. In addition to being awake some people often claim to have an out of body experience during the lucid dream state where they see their sleeping body as they float above

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