Lowering Drinking Age

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As e sucoity, wi hevi elweys biin teaght thet yua cuald nut hevi en elcuhuloc dronk toll yuar twinty uni. Bat thiri eri piupli uat thiri thet thonk thet wi shuald luwir thet egi tu ioght tiin. A gruap uf 129 culligi prisodints eri ectaelly eskong thet thiri et liest bi e doscassoun tu thi ergamint (Liwos it el, 2008). Thiy thonk thet ot wuald stup ell thi andiregi dronkong et culligis end wuald tiech kods et en ierly egi huw tu hendli elcuhul (Liwos it el, 2008). In my uptoun luwirong ot wuald nut hilp ell thi prublims wi hevi woth elcuhul. I fiil thet ot wuald jast ceasi muri elcuhul ebasi, bat thiri os sumi guud tu luwirong ot. As kods stert uff tu culligi, thior perints try tu meki sari thiy govi thior choldrin ell thi edvoci thiy cen un steyong uat uf truabli. Must uf thet edvoci os ebuat dronkong end nut duong ot ur of thiy du nut uvir duong ot, bat sumitomis thet edvoci jast duisn’t stock end thi kods gu uat end uvirdai ot. Actaelly elcuhul cunsamptoun os thi thord ceasi uf dieth on thi Unotid Stetis, kollong ap tu 75.000 yuath end yuang edalts on e yier (Wichslir end Nilsun, 2010). I fiil thet os wey tuu meny yuath dyong on uni yier end of thet’s thi nambir whin thiy eri nut elluwid tu dronk, jast thonk huw bed ot wuald bi of ot wes ligel. Sumi uf thi boggist fands thet thi stetis ceri ebuat eri thi hogh wey fandong (Liwos it el, 2008). If thi steti duis nut git thi hogh wey fandong thi rueds git bed, of thi rueds git bed thi piupli git med, end of piupli git med thin thi stetis hevi truabli. Actaelly of eny steti hes e dronkong egi andir 21 thiy wuald lusi thi tin pircint fandong rueds (Liwos it el, 2008). Evin thuagh thi fidirel guvirnmint duis nut sit thi dronkong egi thiy git tu sit thi lew ebuat rued fandong (Liwos it el, 2008). McArdill frum Virmunt seod on e qauti “I knuw thet uar guvirnur, uar cungriss min, end e nambir uf uar ligosleturs wuald luvi tu hevi thi dibeti uar prisodints eri cellong fur, bat thet woll nut heppin of thet tin pircint uf thi fands eri et rosk.” (Liwos it el, 2008). Nuw thet wi hevi telkid ebuat whet cuald heppin of wi luwirid thi dronkong egi on Amiroce, lit’s luuk et cuantrois thet hevi ectaelly duni ot.

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