As you age, your body goes through many phases in its life time some phases for the better while some phases for the worse. When you reach past your 40s, your body starts to decline and the specific hormone testosterone will slowly diminish. With testosterone on the decline, you will start to lose many aspects of being a male. The effects of low testosterone will not only affect you, but also your partner and your style of life. I am here to prevent suffering due to low testosterone. In this essay, you will learn what testosterone is, how it is made, the affects it has human, the causes and ultimately the cure to low testosterone. What is testosterone and how can it affect you? (Stated by Floyd) in Personal Health 4th edition (pg 103) “Testosterone …show more content…
The symptoms of low testosterone can be very damaging to not only your personal health but to your social health as well. The US National Library of Medicine states “ low libido, erectile dysfunction, or osteoporosis or two or more of sleep disturbance, depressed mood, lethargy, or diminished physical performance” to be symptoms of low testosterone. Other common symptoms are decreased energy, increased body fat and infertility. Lack of energy, increased body fat, lethargy, osteoporosis, mood swings, and sleep disturbances can certainly be damaging to your personal health. Low libido, lack of energy, depression, and erectile dysfunction can take a toll on your social health. Lack of energy, a mood of depression, increased body fat can cause you to alienate yourself from society simply because you feel like “crap”. Certainly the symptoms of low testosterone can be damaging in many …show more content…
Thankfully, there are many methods of curing low testosterone. You have natural remedies such as herbs and artificial remedy, and testosterone gels. Starting with all natural herbal remedies uses herbs found in the wild which has been proven to increase testosterones. The most common herbs are Ginseng, Horny goat weed, Tribulus, Tongkat Ali, Maca root, Mucuna Pruriens, Fenugreek and many more. The element and properties of these herbs can be obtained through drinking tea; raw powder added to food or concentrated extract. Next method is testosterone gel. Testosterone gels are controlled substances gel available through prescriptions that you apply to your body to increase testosterone through absorption by the skin. (According to “The testosterone in AndroGel 1.62% is the same as the testosterone your body makes naturally. It can help raise testosterone levels to the normal range in most men when used daily”. This is a very effective method of increasing testosterone regardless of any causes. Causes such as increase body fat can cause low testosterone and vice versa. However this article states that testosterone gel can increase testosterone levels regardless of causes.(Article by Dobs, Adrian) Testosterone 2% Gel Can Normalize Testosterone Concentrations in Men with Low Testosterone Regardless of Body Mass Index. Find the method that works for you best in order to cure and prevent low
Sexual dysfunction can be defined as the inability to partake in or enjoy sexual relationship with one's partner as a result of underlying physical and/or psychological factors (Hoel, 1998). Physical attributions play a large part in both males and females and their ability to perform and enjoy sex. Males encounter several normal changes as they become older. A decrease in the hormone testosterone is very common amongst males with increasing age. Testosterone is beneficial because it gives a decrease in body fat, an increase in energy, including sexual energy, and an increase in lean muscle. These factors are important for physical attraction one has for another, definitely improving the outcome of sexual arousal. The size and firmness of the testicles may be reduced because of this decrease as well. The sexual response phase also changes with age. During the beginning of sex, an older man may experience a delay in his erection and when erect, the penis may not be as firm as when younger. ...
Androstenedione, known as "andro", is made of a naturally occurring hormone of the body, which is used naturally in tiny amounts to make the male hormone testosterone. It is found in humans, animals and the pollen of many plants. Andro is produced in the gonads and adrenal glands of all mammals. It is said to help speed up the recovery of injuries along with bodybuilding and weight training to increase muscle mass. The androgens are the male sex steroids. When andro is taken it can convert the female sex steroid, estrogen into testosterone. Testosterone increases body and facial hair, acne, deepens the voice, enhances prostate growth, and promotes muscular growth. Blood levels of testosterone start rising about 15 minutes and peak about an hour after oral consumption of androstenedione. When users take too much, androgen shuts off the bodyís own making of testosterone, which can damage normal testicular function (Quinn).
Several effects of steroid use have been identified. These include an increase in low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and a decrease in high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. These lipid changes if allowed to continue over long periods of time could result in coronary heart disease (6). Some other side effects of steroids in men include shrinking of the testicles; reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, and increased risk of pro...
There aren’t that many causes of testicular cancer. But there are a couple of risk factors, which are: undescended testicles, family history, HIV infection, and race too. Undescended testicles are when your testicles do not go to your scrotum before you were born. This increases the chances of being diagnosed with testicular cancer by several times. Also, family history also increases your risk of being diagnosed with this cancer. If a man has it, it is not surprising if his sons or brothers also develop testicular cancer. In addition, HIV is the only infection known to increase the risk of contracting testicular cancer. Lastly, it is statically proven that men living in Asia and Africa are the least affected by testicular cancer. There is no known reason why this is, but it is just proven that males living in the United States and Europe are diagnosed with testicular cancer more than any other males from other countries. Testicular cancer has no real known cause and it can’t really be prevented because all of the things that increase the risk aren’t really in your control. It is also proven that physical activity d...
Fain, N. C. & Lewis. N. M. (2002). Wellness: The Holistic Approach to Health. Journal of
Sharpe, Richard M. and Niels Skakkebaek. 1993. Are oestrogens involved in falling sperm counts and disorders of the male reproductive tract? Lancet
Health is described as physical and mental well-being and freedom from disease, pain or defect. However, such descriptions only superficially define the actual meaning of health. There may be many occasions when individuals are not necessarily ill or in pain but may be overweight, stressed or emotionally unstable. Health is a quality of life involving dynamic interaction and interdependence among the individual’s physical state, their mental and emotional reactions, and the social context in which the individual exists. There are many factors that influence your health, but three major components contribute to general well-being: Self-awareness, a balanced diet and, regular physical activity.
First to give a brief history and background of steroids to discuss what they really consist of and how they can affect the human body, personal behavior, side effects, the different types of steroids, and last their relationship with teenagers. Steroids were created to replicate the testosterone which is produce by the hu...
Male Menopause begins with declining testosterone levels and is eventually characterized by the following symptoms: hair loss, depression, a slower immune system, weight gain, less stamina for physical activity, forgetfulness, irritability, and loss of or reduced interest in sex. (5) Impotence may also occur. Usually this "change" arises between the ages of 40 and 55, although it has been known to transpire as early as 35 and as late as 65. (6) Several different clinical terms exist for the popularized term "male menopause" such as "andropause" or "viropause". (2) Andropause was named for the hormone "androgen" which is essentially testosterone. It is also the name of the therapy with which they treat a man suffering from male menopause. This treatment comes in the form of injection, skin patches or liquid gel. (5) In order to be diagnosed with male menopause, one must have reached the eligible age then endure a physical exam wherein blood samples will be taken. These samples are tested for hormone levels. If these blood samples demonstrate low levels of androgen and the patient seems to be suffering from the symptoms associated wit...
"Historical Collections :: Reflections on Health in Society & Culture." Claude Moore Health Sciences Library | 13 Feb. 2012 .
healthy is a major component in ones’ overall wellbeing, more so mentally, but being healthy Hypogonadism and Androgen Replacement Therapy: An Overview." Medscape. Urol Nurse, 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. .
Uhland, Vicky. “The Picture of Health.” Momentum 6.3 (2013): 42-45. Academic Search Premier. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.
The male reproductive system is a set of organs that works together to produce sperm which will later in life fertilize females eggs. The testes are the most important part of the system because it produces sperm cells. It is similar and looks similar to ovaries of a female’s reproductive system because it also holds what they need to reproduce. Its job is to produce the sperm cells needed to reproduce. Due to hormonal imbalances the production of sperm cells may not even be possible in some males. Testosterone is the male the hormone that gives men there manly characteristics. It is made up of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen with a white color. In the male body it helps develop sex organs, a deeper voice, and facial hair (Khalid, 2013). Cancer or a genetic disorder in males is the most common thing that cause the reductions of testosterone production in the body. Behind the testes is the epididymis which lets sperm go through the vas deferens from the testes (Dictionary, 2014). It looks like leach the way it is position right on the testes but it is thinner. When sperm is produces the ...
I am glad to be forced to take a look at my personal health and to develop a plan for my future. For the last few years it has been a subject I chose to ignore. Faced with this assignment and the desire to do well on it, I am forced to take a hard look at myself and decide the next steps.