Loving God back: Unit 4 take-home exam

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If one treats their brothers and sisters with the care, love, and concern they deserve while using their gifts and talents then, God will be pleased because God is in every person and gives every gift and answers every prayer if one loves others she is also loving God. Who are one’s brothers and sisters? How should one treat them? What gifts have God given me and how should I use them? How do I live my faith? Jesus answers these questions through his actions, his parables, and his teachings.
Jesus clearly defines who are one’s brothers and sisters in the parable of the Good Samaritan. This parable teaches that: one’s brothers and sisters are not only one’s family and friends but also, one’s enemies. “But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as [also] your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:35-36). The Samaritan was the least likely person to help the hurt man because of the tensions between Samaritans and Jews but, of all of the people that passed the injured man, the Samaritan was the only one who helped the injured man. All people should try to be like the Good Samaritan, helping others because it is the right thing to do. In the movie The Heart Has Its Reasons We learned about the people of the L’Arche movement. These people show unconditional love for people with physical and mental disabilities. All of the people who work in the L’Arche communities are volunteers they live with these people and work with them. None of the volunteers are forced to stay in the L’Arche communities for any period of time but, almost all of them stay for a long time...

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...kle and leg. My parents did not know if I would ever walk or dance again. After 18 months in a cast and two and a half years of physical therapy I was able to walk and dance again. God has given me the patience to work and play with kids, this is helpful to me because I have 2 younger sisters who are 5 and 7 I watch them after school every day it takes a lot of patience and love to have a peaceful afternoon with them but, I live them. I have been blessed by God with many gifts and talents for me to use to show God’s agape love for others.
I can love God back by showing God’s agape love to others. I can show love through service. I can go dance at a nursing home or teach some preschoolers how to dance a jig. I can teach a friend how to play a musical instrument. Being a Good Samaritan to all of our brothers and sisters is hard but it is the best way to love God back.

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