Love And Unconditional Love

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One day, I thought I was going to save the world, I really did. I wanted to fix it all. I wanted to become the “Superwoman” of the world. Then something hit my head and changed my mind. It was systems. If you are reading this paper you should be laughing now. Anyways, one day I gave an advice to someone on a probability of something happen and it did. At least I know that I am not always wrong, that I right most of the time on my feelings and thinking.
In the battle between reality and fundamentalism, diversity always wins. I have been given the opportunity to write freely in the system of this wonderful summer course. I love it. Writing freely can be compared to the freedom to breathe and live. In order to be completely free, you have to …show more content…

Which sounds ridiculous, how can we measure love; what about unconditional love, can it be measured? Love is free, and there should be no measurement for love, and it is impossible to measure unconditional love. At times, people could be extravagant when it comes to love, truth, and goodness. Some individuals have the need to hide everything they feel, everything they think, everything they want. Some people tend to hide their feeling, love, and the list can continue forever. I used to be one of them, hiding my feeling, hiding my love or what I like or dislike, I was shy, terrified of the world until, I matured. Now, I have nothing else to hide. Life is how it is, you have to live it and show the world your true face. Hiding is no longer part of who I am. I tell it how it is, which sometimes this way of life can bring …show more content…

For example, when we hear other stories, of people who are really struggling, or in a worse situation than we are, those unhappy or upset feelings might disappear in some individuals. One of my favorites quotes in the book, “Perception is not simply a reflection of reality but a powerful element of reality” (Loeb, 2014, p. 174). What is perception but the reality of what we are able to see and appreciate in front of us. My opinion, the more appreciation the larger the empathy for the needs, systems and others. For some people this can be easy to achieve, now for others the word “empathy” has no meaning. Then we get into their world of narcissism and psychopathy which will be the topic of my next writing. Narcissistic people the world evolves only around them, and what is important to them, no one else matters. It could potential generate conflict harder to resolve. This are not as hard as we think and not as hard to resolve, it is part of how we think, feel and act that make us who we

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