Losing Someone You Care About

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Losing Someone You Care About

Death is something no one likes to encounter. Weather it be a parent, son, daughter, or a friend. Growing up in the small town of Hunter, population of about a hundred, everyone knew everyone and their business. Not having anything to keep the children occupied during breaks from school; we were always just hanging out at each others house and becoming closer friends. The departure of growing up or even death never entered our minds at this point in our lives. Although, we knew two things were compelled to happen, we must live and die. Losing someone I was close to was a very challenging experience.

I had never really lost anyone other than my grandpa by the time I graduated high school. He was a funny, energetic older man. He was always in his overalls with the speckle of Prince Albert from his rolled up cigarette on his lips. He would take me fishing and spent much time with me, until illnesses due to old age kicked in and he had to be put in the nursing home. His death was hard nevertheless it was expected at the age of eighty three.


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